Jawaharlal Nehru University is an institution of excellence with a huge number of nationalist students who are continuously challenging the leftists in their own so called bastion. JNU has always been a stage for bitter political fight between Right and left. Where Left is represented through several shades of left like naxal, Maoist, Leninist and so on, Nationalist wave is represented by ABVP. In early stages when JNU teachers could be partial because of students' political leanings, There used to be free thinkers group.
Many of JNU professors with leftist leaning have been accused of partiality and many students have decided to hide their nationalist views still many nationalist students have excelled and kept the torch of Nationalism burning in the campus.
few news clippings to show the people who have not been to JNU that it is not a left bastion in reality.
ABVP sweeped the JNUSU elections in 1996 which led to left getting united against nationalist forces and discourse of JNU changed. Earlier they used to discuss different shades of Left i.e MAO was better or LENIN, ABVP ensured that debate was only Right vs Left. |
S.A.R GEELANI (Acquitted on the basis of lack of evidence) was chased away from the JNU campus by ABVP students. |
THIS ARTICLE IS FROM HINDU (LEFT BIASED), In reality, SAR geelani had to hide in black Scorpio of Nandita Haskar and literally chased by hundreds of students who had no political ambition but nationalism in their blood. I was personally present and part of the young brigade of hot blooded youths who defied seniors of ABVP who wanted to show black flag and decided to chase the terrorist away..
Young students in the age group of 18-23 years decided not to allow the terrorist come to JNU and give lecture on state terrorism |
See the article and see how leftists lie. blaming Tarun Vijay of indulging in violence and attacking physically in JNU campus. We have nurtured nationalism in JNU like Banyan tree, small sapling to Giant tree. |
Arundhati Roy could not have her free run when she could not go on with her anti national speech. |
Some Ultra leftists wanted to polarize votes by organizing beef festival in JNU. Protests and court ruling by hon'ble court ensured that such thing could not happen in so called left bastion. |
Above lines have been written by Prasenjit Bose (now expelled) state secretary CPI (M) in peoples democracy. According to him, organizing Durga pooja angered the students, you can see the hypocrisy of the leftists when they organize Iftaar parties in every hostel but won't accept Durga pooja, You might say that Bengalis celebrate Durga Pooja, but not in JNU. (thanks to secularism). ABVP ensured that Durga Pooja is held every year in the Campus. The crowd at the pooja Pandal keeps growing year by year. |
Gurudakshina programme is organized every year in the JNU campus and Ashok Singhal was invited for the programme in 2002. Leftists could not digest this fact and tried to make ruckus in front of AD block where the karyakram was held. |
This is JNUSU elections results tally taken from Peoples democracy site (CPI -M). you can notice how ABVP won the JNUSU president seat by 1 vote and from that year, all leftist parties started to contest elections together and seat sharing were done only to stop ABVP. The whole political debate turned to ABVP vs Left. |
Decade of 1990 to 2002 has been the Golden period of Nationalist politics in JNU with ABVP continuously increasing the support from student community. |
JNUSU elections have always been Left-Right battle where winning seats is not so important than winning the discourse of political debate. JNU has 3 centers of Arabic, Persian and Urdu with a vote bank which is always polarized by Leftists. |
Political decisions of ABVP have always decided the course of JNU politics |
Left parties used to debate on aspects of left and Marx and Mao were debated in Campus earlier, Not anymore. They do vote bank politics to win JNUSU polls now but the direction of JNU debates have changed forever. |
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