This era
certainly belongs to the set of people who are always ‘politically correct’. Today,
everybody is compelled to clarify his/her stand on host of global topics, just
to remain relevant in the society. For eg: If you do not know what LGBT stands
for, you are considered to be extremely ignorant.
compelling need to take up stance on these relevant issues has brought out the
politician in each one of us. In a private conversation we might be more candid
about certain issues. But, taking stance on certain issues just to be accepted
by your peers is what we see more important. Such situations are mainly
applicable to politicians who remain as mirror of the society and talk only
what the majority wants to hear.
As we
see how politicians portray themselves to be very different from what they
really are. This feeling of being seen and judged according to our views, makes
us feel important as if our views will be quoted and used where as in reality,
however outrageous our views may be, we are nothing more than dust particles in
the huge system and our views won't be examined and we won’t have to face such repercussions
that we get affected. We live in an illusion of being under the gaze but it is
not at all true. And what is the benefit of having double views just for the
sake of peer pressure. One set of view for public image and another for private
conversations is what makes us hypocrite.
moment you support an idea that is new or not acceptable to the majority, you
may face attacks, personal and ideological. Your sanity may be questioned too.
Now the question is, the people who criticize you, aren't they the bigger
bigots? I present you my humble opinion why I feel so.
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definition in Oxford dictionary |
take an example. Someone calls you 'gay' and you immediately accuse him of
being homophobic. But isn't it true that you are getting offended if someone
calls you gay and by your own reaction you define 'gay' as inferior or offensive.
So now who is homophobic you or the person who used it.
word, be it Negro, black, gay, lesbian, chinki, bihari, mallu, chamaar, madrassi
etc., These words literally don't have anything offensive in it. But it is our
prejudice that makes them politically incorrect. If someone calls me a chamaar,
I get offended and call him/her a casteist etc, I am actually ignoring that
chamaar is merely a word that signifies cobbler; it is we who have made this
occupation inferior. Otherwise What is wrong in being a chamaar, isn't chamaar
more important than a brahmin when we need shoes to protect our feet? Then who are
we to decide that this is an inferior job, why does chamaar become a gaali and
calling a brahmin or a rajput doesn't? It is our prejudice that makes it defined
that way.
Swamy tweeted that CRTs are queer. Immediate response of all the politically
correct people was that they don't agree with him and called him homophobic,
now tell me who made 'queer' derogatory, Swamy only or the people who actually got offended are
also sharing the deed? Why did they get offended for being called gay? Is being
gay inferior? If so then the people who shouted against Swamy are bigger
homophobic. If people stop getting offended and don’t mind if someone calls
one gay, then will it be seen in same way?
said, 'a Negro killed a British soldier' and outrage was not for the death of a
human being but for use of racial term for the culprit being racially abused.
Origin of the word ‘negro’ is Spanish which means black, so what is wrong if
someone talks about color of skin, if one gets offended because someone called you
black, then, it is you who has a prejudiced mind and you take it as an offence.
Otherwise, black is beautiful. Living in Africa, I have heard many slangs for
'white', living in Delhi, have heard many more for Biharis but if we start
getting offended, then it simply shows our inferiority complex. In place of
fighting against use of certain words, we should fight against this prejudiced
mind set wherein we judge people and decide who are superior and who are
inferior, slangs will remain in the society but the offence hidden in it will
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NOTE: Written to fight with Insomnia. Proof reading done by .Baba Shivananda Maharaj ji